

burning from the inside, heart racing somewhat lazily dropped on top of the table. screaming for help is futile, but fun, trying to smile through life all fucked up.

not yet... done

there was no answer yet, he fiddled with broken tools and assesed his options. there was no point doing anything but what he was doing. the filters in his head where obliterated with disgust and disdain, proving everything was just a moment and everything is mostly space. just shut your eyes, just breathe, count to something and voila. the tank headspace for drama and chaos is constantly and speedily topped, which made sleeping naps the only way for brain to stay functioning, deleting data overflow for a clearer next disaster to happen. the voices inside are very kindly appointed to the best tasks in years. taking in solitude as a wise budhist monk, with some drugs added through different but similar mechanisms. injustice best served cold open hearted surgey procedure in mind flat.


  The duality of our beings being prone to good and not, to being selfish and not, to being aware and not, to being available and not, to being decayed and not, to being pleasant and not, to take a hint and not.


 Freeze my brain, please Just dig it out of my skull And place it gently On the freezer

fleeting glimpse

 Just when i thought i couldn’t get started again, I found that the action replaced the thought instantly. And what may have become a burden, was now safe.   All the hate had evaporated a while ago… The beauty of the simplest things in life really had had a shiny afternoon. Wrongdoing wasn’t a worry nor a choice, it was the sweetest sensation of carelessness that really sank its teeth and, Profuse with the venom of the absurdity and coyness, Released

prince 4u

 Even though were apart now Even if you need more Even if you think it’s the last way to go back     Even if it’s the last thing you’ll read       Please come and read the story The story of how In the time of need A prince finally showed up And when the monster ate him And burped       You felt the need To go into the closest dance club And have the time of your life Dance your ass off And go home With the monster

for MA

guarding its head in the dark, bowing only to gods walks the keeper of the bolts and doors in the garden from before the land in the wake of the ancient rock secret only to him is the key secret only for his eyes to keep and safeguard the heavens and hells we have created

after the title

when would this magic fingers run away from me like fish-hooks gathering every little idea that was left sinking inside my brain uninvited dwelling for hours and hours until it hurt my eyes whispering fierce phrases with no meaning wandering around till nothing was left like a barren free of ideas-land of death quick to melt away at a stare gathering all what was left behind like a circular stair, trying to hide something in plain sight


As im about to fall asleep, bound to drift into unnamed lands and dreams. A thought appears out of nowhere, and then a reaction. Is there someone inside the house? Why did i take this sleeping pill. Who is... What do i do now...  Ahhhh such falsehood and denseness. Let it dream Let me fall down from my bead and break the leg of my destinations Settle down and have a beer Bug off!