
Showing posts from November, 2005


braindamaged and limping i walk to the beach. the tide is always rising fast, like in a red dream. the waves crash at my side, and the rocks care to fall apart from my bold and fearfull steps. i hold on to my pistol and the war begins. i shoot at the sea, once, twice, three times. then the waves crash me down, only one is needed, and i loose me gun, my determination, my temper and my chances of killing the unkillable. the sea leaves me on the sands and returns with the tide. i am left salted in a cloudy day sneezing and sandfull of the lesson.

"when there's nowhere else to run..."

Shit happens, right? wrong. Shit crawls over you, inside you and only then it happens. It's like i'm cursed running from an unknown all powerful mummy inside a fucking pyramid that has been shut my whole life. Then, again, history repeats. A woman comes claiming to be Cleopatra (you all know who she is). We dance, yep, dance trying to shake the mummy. Then we do roll over and have sex, then i have to harm her in a way she asks me to, gently but full of meaning you wouldn't understand. Try to make a promise for me, never sleep with a mummy, the aftertaste is not that great. ps>the song that gave me the title is "all these things that i've done" from The Killers

donnie darko and 9/11

I was thinking about the movie, and how it was forbidden to play at the cinema because of the tragedy that happened around the time it was supposed to be ready for the public. If the reason was that a jet engine crashed Donnie's house, and that alone, I think the cause is so small and does not have a clear perspective of things. In the movie, the main character stands alone against time, death, illness and a hostile world. And what he does, besides battling for his life, is giving it for the things he loves. Maybe this is what some people didn't want to get out of their heads, this is not necessarily a bad thing. He mends the relationship with his mother, he falls in love, he grows closer to the things he should, and he dies with a smile in his face, knowing that what he did was the right thing. It's when you take someones life that all goes to hell.


well my dearest friends, it has come. the time for being honest and distrustfull at the same time. i may endure the perils of being left alone, but i will not come to the ground by myself. who will raise one hand and come with me? why don't i see hands up? it was clear from the first moment you weren't up with it, your apretiation was limited to show yourself today, but help is something i never asked before. go on home. while i wait here for someone to sit beside me.