old days
"i wish the earth was flat like the old days" (death cab for cutie in "the new year") the sun revolved around the earth, there was only one continent, and one language. There was no technology to fly or to send faxes. there was no email, or msn. there was only smoke signs. food. water. harvest. hunt. no parties, no pictures, no films. only celebrations and sacrifices. subject 1 got lost so subjectess 1 found subject 2 in less than a day. subject 2 forgot were his family was, so they could not eat mamuth any more. subject 3 found subject 1 wondering in the forest, invited him to the beach and then slaughtered him to eat him. there was little pain, no music, no poetry. But there was rythm. there was fire. there was sea, and rivers. there was no ending though. it all turned round in squares. there was no circles, no cycles. only 4 stations were to stop. born. hunt. reproduce. die. the question was where you spent most of you life in. the most of your 30 average year li...