
Showing posts from July, 2007

god knows im helpless - The Smahing Pumpkins

if god does know, and i know he does, then im forgiven. At least i hope so, in all my sins i hope so, in al my grief i pledge so, in all my words i cry for, and in all my dreams i wish for. good bye dear old friends

school band

i had a band a few years back. it was kind of indy, mellow rock band. my friends from school and i played in some stoner bars for some crappy money and booze. the tricks were good, we mostly played some covers and R. wrote some songs. He was always getting laid whenever he played certain songs to someone in the audience. what we didn't know then is that he slept with men. D. played the bass, and smoked pot only when he wasn't with us. M. played the keyboards, and he wasn't around for long. S. played the drums. he had a strange foot fetish, we found him one day tied to his bed smelling his girlfriends feet. We had been friends for 10 years but we never seemed to know each other a whole lot. the name of the band was clistar creal.

the ring song - the bravery

What if all, I want want in this world, Turned out just to be an honest girl, Turned out just to make of me an honest man.

speed of pain - Marilyn Manson

Nothing left to say, but sing this song. enjoy the lyrics: "They slit our throats Like we were flowers And our milk has been devoured When you want it It goes away too fast Times u hate it It always seems to last But just remember when you think you're free The crack inside you fucking heart is me [thought, not spoken:] I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day I wish I could sleep But I can't lay on my back Because ther's a knife For everyday that I've known you When you want it It goes away yoo fast Times u hate it It always seems to last But just remember when you think you're free The crack inside your fucking heart is me [thought, not spoken:] I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day Lie to me, cry to me, give to me I would Lie with me, die with me, give to me I would Keep all your secrets wrapped in dead hair I hope at least we die holding hands for always"