nice to know you
Come on, excuse my dirty laundry, dishes all over, my smell, all the arrows that point towards lack of self respect.
If you cross that line, i will have to kiss you.
(your legs move faster than my voice, you throw yourself to the ground and cry)
Better here than in the street, out there it is cold, at least i'm in room temperature.
The tears wake me up again, i've been sleeping for hour while you do your thing.
As soon as i put a pin inside yourflesh, you too wake up, finish sobbing and slap my face like i needed it.
(you reach inside my mouth with your tongue, flickering fire of desireless soft and fast skin brushinghair withoutsensesrespondingnomore......
If you cross that line, i will have to kiss you.
(your legs move faster than my voice, you throw yourself to the ground and cry)
Better here than in the street, out there it is cold, at least i'm in room temperature.
The tears wake me up again, i've been sleeping for hour while you do your thing.
As soon as i put a pin inside yourflesh, you too wake up, finish sobbing and slap my face like i needed it.
(you reach inside my mouth with your tongue, flickering fire of desireless soft and fast skin brushinghair withoutsensesrespondingnomore......